Feedback Thoughts
Feedback bubbles. Source: Maxipixel
I am by far my biggest critic. I think most of us are. I am so thankful to have come across this article, because it has given me much needed understanding and encouragement. Many times, I let one failure determine the rest of my outcomes. Even more so do I let my negative thoughts crowd my reality and influence how I believe others perceive me. In Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head, I gained great advice on how to prevent negative thinking from taking over your life. The article brought out that it takes five positive thoughts to combat every one negative thought we have. I think it can be said that eliminating any ties of negativity we have about ourselves, can be one of the most difficult tasks to deal with. The article emphasized the urgency of looking for the positive in every situation, and when encountering positivity to cherish it and use it as a means of fortification. I will strive to focus more on my strengths, rather than my weakness to silence my inner critic.
The second article I picked to articulate on is, Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt. This article really spoke to me, because I find it very hard to be confident in myself and my work. Sometimes, it gets so overbearing that I just have to remove myself from the situation entirely. I realized that I was constantly comparing myself to other people. We all have hopes and dreams, but sometimes they seem so far away and distant. When you choose to compare yourself to others, you also deprive yourself of being proud of your own achievements and triumphs. The article mentioned perfectionism as an origin of stagnancy. My goal is to focus more on the things in my life that have helped me grow, so that I can cultivate and embody my individual greatness. I think every beginning needs to start with the willingness to make change, in order to reap desired results.
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