Introduction to a Shopaholic
17 January 2019

Hi all! My name is Lillian Nortey. Most of my friends call me Lil, but Lillian works too! I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma but went to a small high school in Sand Springs, Oklahoma called Charles Page. I am currently a senior at The University of Oklahoma. The end goal is to graduate next Fall with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology. I have always found the human mind so fascinating, and even more so intriguing how we relate to one another and the outcomes that follow. I currently work as a patient care assistant at a children's mental health and substance abuse facility. I have worked there for a little over a year now, and have truly gained such great experience working in mental health! I originally aspired to be a clinical psychologist, but my focus now is exploring a nursing career. I had never really thought of nursing school until I met my boyfriend, who will graduate next semester with a BSN. My passion is helping others, and nursing is definitely a career that holds that as the foundation of it's program.
Additionally, I am a gal who enjoys many things! I played tennis for 6 years and absolutely loved it. I also really like engaging in artistic activities like painting and singing. However, I do have quite the obsession with online shopping. When I say obsession, I mean I seriously have a problem. It is quite therapeutic for me! I usually have anywhere from 4-7 packages each week. One week, I actually counted and had 12 packages! My wallet was sad, but my heart was oh so happy. I am one of those people that probably takes the phrase "treat yourself" to extremes. But, I am a firm believer in doing things that make you happy even if it burns a hole in your wallet. I also have a huge love for Netflix. My favorite Netflix shows are Atypical, To All The Boys I've Ever Loved, Grey's Anatomy, and Gossip Girl. I could literally watch them on repeat any day. I hope you all enjoyed reading a little about me. I cannot wait to get to read all of your introductions! Have a great semester, and most importantly shop responsibly.
- XOXO Shopaholic
Image Source: Taken by me after a full day of shopping.
Nursing is such a great career, Lillian! I'm intimidated by doctors usually, but it is so much easier to connect with nurses, and they are so important for helping people make real changes to their health. I had a bad burn a few years ago, and yeah, the doctors were helpful, but it was really the nurses who saved me: the doctors said I would need a skin transplant, but the nurses did such a great job and taught me all about wound care, so I did not need a skin transplant after all. Nurses RULE.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can totally relate to being a shopaholic because, yes, I am a bookaholic. Or, I used to be. Now, thank goodness, there are all these digital libraries online. I don't buy books like I used to as a result. But I still buy a lot of books, ha ha. Luckily Kindle books don't take up space.
Here's a fun shopaholic idea that you could actually turn into a Storybook for this class: there is a beautiful website called Exotic Indian Art full of art and prints from India, and many of the paintings and sculptures are of gods and goddesses and characters from the epics. You could PRETEND you have a gift certificate (go wild! give yourself a $10,000 gift certificate ha ha), and you could imagine what you want to buy, telling us the stories that are featured in the artwork you choose. Just a thought! But if it is going to tempt you to really buy stuff, don't do it, ha ha. (I like to pretend shop.)
Oh look, a gorgeous Krishna, just.... $5000 :-)
ReplyDeleteSuperfine Lord Krishna
Howdy Lillian! I am not into the nursing field at all, bloody broken bones scare me, but for some reason I am a Pre-Med student anyway. However, I have grown up surrounded by nurses, my mom is the E.R. director at the hospital in my hometown and a registered RN with a BSN. She is currently taking courses to get her Master's, so she can teach nursing at the college level after she retires from nursing. Therefore, I have deep respect and appreciation for nurses and think that is awesome you are putting your compassion for helping others in a field that needs it. I also played tennis throughout my four years of high school and loved every minute of it. I miss playing a lot, but I definitely do not think I have many if any skills anymore.
ReplyDeleteI was nice to meet you virtually,
Your Peer, Hannah
Hey Lillian! I really enjoyed reading your Introduction post because I found that we like very similar things! I am also studying psychology and find the human mind and our behavior incredibly interesting. In addition, I had decided to also study Pre-Optometry because I fell in love with helping people as well as being able to talk and get to know them. Like you, I have a bit of a shopping problem and I love the movie To All The Boys I've Ever Loved.
ReplyDeleteLillian, it is really nice to meet you! It is so cool that you have been able to work so closely with what you are studying through out college! I also share a great love for online shopping, there is nothing like coming home and seeing a package you often forgot about on your doorstep. It is like Christmas! Completely agree with you on some of your Netflix choices but have not heard or seen Atypical so I will definitely look into it. Look forward to reading more of your work.
ReplyDeleteHi Lillian,
ReplyDeleteI can see that you have such a huge passion for your career choice and I am so happy for you. I feel that in whatever job you have, you'll be an excellent employee because you care so much. I can totally relate to the online shopping problem. Both me and my sister love shopping. Its like you said, therapeutic. We take "Treat Yo-self" very seriously. Our wallets suffer but I agree that being happy and making yourself feel good is all that really matters. Lastly, you have such amazing taste in shows. I love all the Netflix shows and movies you have listed!
Hi Lillian!
ReplyDeleteReally cool you're a Psychology major, I have a minor in Psych as well! I hope you can perhaps pursue a career that combines your love of Psychology and nursing . I have to say I can see how online shopping could become obsession. I didn't really order anything online before I came to the US because it was really expensive, but now I can order from Amazon with ease. I love receiving packages and getting to go to my mailbox haha! It was nice meeting you!
Hi Lillian! I agree with you that the human mind is very fantastic and interesting. I want to do work with the mind in the future. There is just so much to learn about our very being. I also enjoy online shopping a lot. I tend to mostly buy shoes and clothes. There is something so satisfying about getting a new delivery. It makes my heart very happy too!
ReplyDeleteTennis is such an active sport, I'm glad you've enjoyed it for six years so far! You should consider keeping up with tennis by finding a local tennis club or something! I love art and music too, also, that's a crap-ton of online shopping. I get excited when I get one package a month, I can't imagine what you must feel receiving up to 12 a week! It's like Christmas on a weekly basis (except it's not free :()
ReplyDeleteHey Lillian! Studying Psychology must be very interesting! I love that you want to help people so much with your skills. It must be interesting to work with children all the time, I think that sounds like it could be fun. I hope your plans to become a nurse work out as well, that sounds like an exciting career path.
ReplyDeleteHi Lillian! So nice to "meet" you! We are "major cousins" haha. I am a social work major, and plan to get my LCSW after completing Grad school, and my MSW. If you do not pursue Nursing, do you plan on becoming a Counselor? Nursing, and Nurses are amazing! My family is FULL of Nurses. I could see psychology supporting a career spent as nurse!
ReplyDeleteHey Lillian,
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool that you are getting a physiology degree and now thinking of nursing! My girlfriend is working towards her nursing degree and getting a physiology minor. The part about 7-12 packages a week sounds like my roommate freshmen year. He would order on Amazon and I kid you not, we would have a box almost every other day and some big boxes and some little.
Good luck with becoming a nurse, it is a hard career but much needed
Hey Lillian. Graduation is coming up soon for you? Are you excited, I can not believe this semester has been flying by so fast. It is great that you are getting a degree in Psychology! I have not seen any of those shows on Netflix, so maybe I need to start watching those shows. I will be shopping responsibly this semester cause after graduation application fees and other things are going to be expensive. Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteHi Lil,
ReplyDeleteI am also from Tulsa. I went to Union High School though which is a little bit of a hike from Sand Springs. It is great that you want to be a nurse. I also want to go into health care as I am studying to be a dentist. I love that you played tennis. I played tennis in middle school and it is still one of my favorite sports. I'm a big Nadal fan. Well it was nice to meet you! I am looking forward to reading your stories.
Hey Lillian!
ReplyDeleteI first got to say: Treat! Yo! Self! It's super dope that you are so close to graduating and I bet that senioritus is even worse at the college level, so as long as you're not going into debt, I say bring all the packages! I also think it's very honerable what field you are looking to go into. As someone who's mother worked in mental health and substance abuse, I know how important of a job it is, and I'm glad that someone who likes to help others like you is working in it. I hope nursing works out and you enjoy it, good luck!
Hi Lillian!
ReplyDeleteI am actually from Tulsa too! I went to Union, but it's still nice to meet a fellow Tulsan. I also love online shopping as well! Maybe not as much as you (hahah), but I also do use the excuse of treating myself a little too much sometimes too. I like Netflix too, but I have not seen any of the shows you watch, but I may give them a watch now.
Hey Lillian, I just want to say I think it's really cool your started off wanting to be a clinical psychologist but then you saw the impact nursing has on people and changed to that. It shows you really care about helping people. I also want to say that I am truly in awe regarding your devotion to online shopping. thats some next level and I respect it. Go you Lillian.
ReplyDeleteThe work that you are doing now is awesome! It is really cool that you are thinking about doing nursing now with your major in psychology. With the work you have already done and what you get from your major it would make yos a great nurse because the mental health of a patient is just as important as the physical health. I actually have two close family friends that went to Charles Page, the Kersgieters, so I know exactly where Sand Springs is!
ReplyDeleteHey Lillian! I’m also a Psychology major at OU! I’m still completing my undergraduate degree, though. I also love playing tennis and singing! I laughed when I read your confession about being a shopaholic, my sister and I can definitely relate to that obsession. It’s a fun way to de-stress! Haha. “Shop responsibly” is definitely about to become our new mantra.
ReplyDeleteHey Lillian, first off the first thing that caught my attention after reading your introduction was the Netflix shows haha. I love, and I mean this so literally, I love all 4 of those shows you listed. I am a sucker for a good show and those could easily be my top 4 easily. Waiting for a new season of Atypical right now and I am so excited. Also, I am a Psychology major as well, so its nice to see others having the same interest as myself!
ReplyDeleteHey Lillian,
ReplyDeleteI really liked reading your intro! First of all, I love Gossip Girl and I'm currently watching again for the third time. I think it's awesome that you decided to pursue nursing and that you have a passion for helping others! Psychology seems like a really interesting this to major in too! Also I'm kinda impressed by the work and dedication it must take to keep up your shopping addiction haha. 4-7 packages a week is a lot and I can't imagine how much time it must take up out of your week.
Nice to meet you, Lil! I'm glad you're considering nurses. They're so critical in the functioning of the medical field. 90% of your medical care is probably done by nurses. I don't go to the hospital much, but I still have a deep appreciation for nurses. Oh man, that online this day and age, it's so easy to see something you want, and just order it! I've definitely fallen into that trap several times...Anyway, nice to find out a little more about you!
ReplyDeleteHello, Lil!
ReplyDeleteI think it is so cool that you may become a nurse! My mom and sister are both nurses and love their jobs so much! My mom does home health and my sister works as a school nurse at a Montessori school. While I know they love their current jobs, they've both worked at hospitals and in the ICU and they loved those jobs as well! I also played tennis all through middle and high school, and I sing too! I'm actually here at OU studying vocal performance! I very much look forward to your other posts!
Hi Lillian!
ReplyDeleteYour blog site is so cute. I really love the color scheme going on. I remember you as one of Sonali's friends in reply to your comment on my page. It is so good to meet you again through this class. I hope that you have been learning from it and find it useful! I am curious why you chose to take this course, however, when it may have no relation to your major or career. It is helpful in that it allows you to understand people of my culture and that will be an advantage as a nurse when you treat others. Understanding others' beliefs is an important part of health care. Again, it was so great to meet you again!
ReplyDeleteI think your blog is definitely a reflection of you are. Even your stories reflect your personality so nicely. I can tell your really sweet, girly, and ambitious! I am also a psych major and graduating in May. I am really impressed you were able to find a field you were passionate in and make a plan. I wish you the best of luck moving forward!
Hi Lilian,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that the human mind is really fascinating. It looks like you have and are gaining lots of really good experience working, that's awesome. I just finished watching the new season of Atypical and the show is awesome. It is not only a well-made show, but it also shows you the struggle of people with mental disorders and makes you a more understanding person.
Hey Lillian! I think it is wonderful that you have a passion for helping others and are working to help improve the lives of children! Online shopping can definitely be addictive, so I understand where you are coming from! Another great feeling similar to that of receiving packages is receiving letters; I have several people I write to and it is so much fun when anything from them shows up in the mail! Good luck finishing your degree, you're almost there!
ReplyDeleteLillian, it was great getting to know a little bit through your post. It is always important to take care of yourself and I couldn't imagine receiving that many packages a week, but more power to you. That is awesome! Psychology is super interesting and I'm glad that you've found what you love and are pursuing it. Good luck on your future endeavors!
ReplyDeleteHi Lillian,
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful name by the way!! I felt it when you said you had an online shopping on a deep level. My wallet (thankfully, I guess) doesn't allow me to do too much damage as far as shopping goes but every time I get a little extra money the first thing I run to is online shopping. I am so interested to hear more about your job! What a selfless way to serve your community and all while you are able to learn so much about your future profession as well.
PS your website layout is my favorite out of all the ones I have seen so far! Great job!
Hi Lillian! I wish I could shop online as much as you do. I think it can be relaxing, but I just don't have the money to do it every week. Instead, I might get a package or two a month, usually filled with "treat yo self" items among other essentials. I also think it's cool you're majoring in psychology. I thought about minoring, but it didn't fit my schedule, i.e. I would have to take another year to finish a minor. That didn't stop me from taking a few psychology courses though - I'm in cognitive psychology right now and I really enjoy it. Good luck with graduation!
ReplyDeleteHi Lillian, nice to meet you though your introduction. I wish you luck on graduating with a BS in psychology next semester and on pursuing a career in nursing. Wanting to better the lives of others through healthcare is so noble. I found it funny that you have a problem with buying things online; I can never pull the trigger and buy anything.
ReplyDeleteHey Lillian,
ReplyDeleteI really liked reading your intro! First of all, I love Gossip Girl and I'm currently watching again for the third time. I think it's awesome that you decided to pursue nursing and that you have a passion for helping others! Psychology seems like a really interesting this to major in too! Also I'm kinda impressed by the work and dedication it must take to keep up your shopping addiction haha. 4-7 packages a week is a lot and I can't imagine how much time it must take up out of your week.
Hey Lillian! I love how you're a shopaholic because I felt that. I have a shopping problem... mostly after every exam. I tend to buy everything and eat anything I want. And it is awesome how you're pursing a degree in nursing because so am I! I am also majoring in Health and Exercise Science. But I wish you the best of luck!!
ReplyDeleteHi Lillian~
ReplyDeleteI really thought I had commented on your introduction before (hard to forget the pretty pink) but maybe it was when I had tech issues. Anyway! Thanks for the shop responsibly reminder(: I'll go weeks without buying frivolous things then spend over $1,000 in one week for a trip to NYC. I can always find a ways to justify my purchases and my favorite is something you mentioned. If it makes me happy why worry too much about it. The semester is almost over, I hope you have a great summer!