Week 8 Progress

Inspirational Quotes On A Planner
Encouraging fresh start drawing. Web Source: Pexel

     So far I am content with my progress in this class. But I wish I had given more devoted time to completing extra credit assignments. It has been somewhat difficult for me to try and get ahead because I am a little overwhelmed with 18 hours of school and working part-time. I think my limitations can gradually be reduced by having a more strict schedule. I am proud of the way I have continued to stay on track with my assignments and put a lot of effort into them. I have really enjoyed getting to recreate my own stories and developing each character and the scenery of the story to make it all come together nicely. I think it has definitely helped me enjoy writing in my own way. As far as developing and building my blog and portfolio websites, I am pleased with the work I have done but would also like to play around with the settings some more on both of my websites. Once I do the aforementioned things, I feel like I will be able to fully call my personal blog and portfolio project my own. 
     Looking forward into the remainder of the semester, I would like to avoid getting behind or discouraged with my assignments. As difficult as it is to maintain my schedule at times, it is an essential factor to my success in this course and my other courses. My hope is to eventually start increasing the number of assignments I complete each day, in order to ensure that I do not get behind. I appreciate how this class gives you every chance to get ahead so I would like to use that to the best of my ability. Lastly, another important aspect I would like to change is relative to the way I read our assigned readings. Breaking the readings up into several parts would make it easier to grasp each part of the stories and lead to better notes. 


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