Reading Notes: Epified: Krishna Series, Part A
This is a summarization of the Krishna Series regarding Part A, from Epified. The series focuses on Krishna's journey from his birth, the challenges he faces, and the important roles he acquires in his upbringing.
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Krishna holding a flute. Web Source: Wikipedia
Introduction: Krishna has had enemies since he was born, and those enemies tried to even prevent his birth. They could not prevent his birth, so they tried to stop him from growing up. Every opportunity they could get, they would send him death. They sent fiery rain upon him and those dear to him, but he survived. He grew up to become a King and began a friend to those in need and an enemy to those who threatened his loved ones. The birth of the Pandavas sparked something great to come.
Episode 1: Krishna would guide the Pandavas into war and bring about the end to an age. A cruel Kind named Kansa ruled over Mathura. His people longed for change for peace under his wicked reign. On the day he got his cousin Devaki married, he heard a loud voice from the sky and told him of his impending death. He was told his cousin would give birth to a slayer. Kansa threw them into prison and decided to not only kill their 8th child but all of their children out of demonic cruelty. He killed 6 innocent children. The 7th was thought to have been miscarried and Kansa rejoiced. When Devaki gave birth to her 8th child, the gods rejoiced because Vishnu was coming to earth. She gave birth to the 8th incarnation of Vishnu. No power on earth would harm this child, but word got out to Kansa about the birth of his slayer.
Episode 2: Vasudev stands in his prison cell while cradling his newborn son and wonders what will become of him. The cell opens and takes his son into the night. The voice in head tells him to go to the Yamuna. He surrenders to the rivers might and finds a magnificent serpent emerges. He and his son were protected by the serpent from the rain with its enormous hood. He finds a camp of gypsies and a voice tells him he has reached his destination. He found Yoshada who had just given birth to her daughter Maya and is Nandas wife. He picked up Maya and put his son down instead, but was happy to know he would be safe. The voice in his head assured him the world was about to change,
Episode 3: Kansa wakes up sweating from a haunting nightmare. He dreamed that great tragedy was about to befall him and ruin all of his prized possessions. When he found out that Devaki had given birth to her eighth child, he was happy and frightened. He wondered if it was the last day of his life when he entered the cell. Upon seeing the child she is holding is a girl, he laughs because he thinks he has cheated death. He grabbed the child from Devaki and demands the gods answer if his death will be by a woman. He raised his hand to smash the little girl into the cell, but an explosion of light blinded him and the girl did not fall. The girl took the form of the many armed Durga. Kansa shrunk with fear knowing his dream was coming true. Durga told him he was a fool to judge her as weak. She told him that his slayer had already been born and was somewhere safe far away and when the time came would introduce him to his fate.
Episode 4: Yashoda had woken up to find the child next to her was a boy, not the girl she remembered giving birth to the previous night. Later her husband brought her another boy to take care of. He informed her that King Kansa had slaughtered hundreds of newborn babies in fear that one of them would grow up to kill him. In the midst of the madness, she realized she was not the only one that loved Krishna. A woman named Putana paid Yashoda a visit, she became a close part of the Nanda family. However, one-night Putana changed form and turned into a demoness. She stole Krishna in the moonlit night. She intended to kill Krishna by feeding him poisonous breast milk. She noticed that Krishna was sucking her powers while drinking her milk. Putana's dying scream was heard aloud in the night. He was found happily playing next to her corpse and Yoshada finds she has a lot to learn about her son.
Episode 5: Danger touched Krishna's life again. Yoshada went when she heard that a god had lost his balance and rolled down a hill towards her son. She found the god had been broken to pieces when she found him. Krishna became notorious in the neighborhood as a naughty child. He and his friends caused ruckus throughout the town, and he became known as the boy who stole butter. The disputes formed had come back to Yoshada and she defended him to the fullest extent. Yoshacontemplatedted what to do to handle Krishna taking things from him, but Balram rushed in and told her about him being naughthy again.
Episode 6: Yoshada confronted her son while he was eating mud. He eventually opened his mouth and she saw the universe within Krishna. She saw everything. She felt eternity stretching out in all directions at once. She found herself face to face with a child who was frightened at his angry mother. She had come to terms that she was not just the mother of just a child, in her lap was the Brahmand.
Episode 7: A strange haze filled the minds of everyone in Goku, causing everyone to move away from the village. They settled in Vrindavan, where the grass was even greener. Balram and Krishna explored the forest. Krishna became very interested in music and started playing the flute. It did not take him long to learn. He realized one day something was wrong, the noise of his friends playing nearby had ceased. He found that they were all unconscious due to Kalia's poison. He demanded they be revived, the flue he had played became a terrifying sound. He jumped on the serpents back and danced. Kalia withdrew into the depths of which he came and everything went back to normal, the people realized they were in the presence of another god.
Episode 8: Krishna grows into a young man and Yashoda's days are filled with memories. She heard rumors of Krishna stealing the clothes of a bunch of young women bathing in the river. She wondered why the villagers put up with so much of what Krishna did. It had been a few years after a whirlwind hit the village disguised as a demon. It was Krishna and Balram who had kept the village safe. Kansa was running out of monsters.
Episode 9: Krishna convinced Nanda to worship the Govardhana Hill instead of worshipping Indra for rain. Nanda decided to hold the annual prayers and called for all the special arrangements to be made to offer the holy sacrifice to Govardhana. Indra was enraged by the neglect of his authority, so he sent torrential rain and thunder to devastate Vrindavan. The animals and cowherds ran to Krishna seeking protection against the storm. He consoled the people and lifted the hill with his pinky finger. He used it as a means of shelter from the store. Indra begged for Krishna's forgiveness when he realized he would never match his might.
Episode 10: Krishna would often play his flute by the lake while grazing his cows. This would mesmerize the Gopi's and they would dance to the tune of his flute. Krishna had his eyes on Radha. He became jealous of Radha's beauty and covered her face black. The Gopi's tested her devotion to Krishna. Without uttering a single word she obeyed. Radha did not waste a moment to save Krisha and prove her loyalty and love for him.
Epified: Krishna, Part A
Authors: Epified TV (India)
Web Source: Epified Krishna Series Part A
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