Week 7 Story: Chloe's Turquoise Ring
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Turquoise ring with gold band. Web Source: Wikimedia Commons
There once was a girl named Chloe. She was spunky, fierce, and charming. Her red tamed locks caressed the outline of her gentle face. Her smile shone brighter than any star in the constellation.
Chloe was born and raised in New York City. She admired the constant hustle and bustle of people as they sought their destinations.
She had just gotten accepted to Juilliard School of Dance in Manhattan. It had always been a dream of hers. But the day before her acceptance, she had lost her most prized possession. Her turquoise ring was nowhere in sight.
Sudden feelings overwhelmed her as she reminisced over the day that changed her life forever.
She remembers her father dropping her off at the local dance company down their street from their 12th Avenue home, every day after school.
Her mother would make sure her ballet shoes, tights, and snacks were packed for her long after school rehearsals.
On the day of Chloe's first recital, her parent's were on their way to surprise Chloe for her birthday and pick her up from practice before the 7pm recital that night.
But an hour passed and her mother and father had yet to arrive.
Chloe thought there might be a lot of traffic, given they live in New York City where subway is the most convenient means of transportation as opposed to driving.
Still after 3 hours of anticipation, they were yet to be present to pick Chloe up from practice.
The front desk phone rang, and darkness cast over Miss Sherry's face as she sighed somberly.
Chloe's ballet instructor informed her that her parents had been seriously injured in a car wreck, and were not able to pick her up.
Chloe's instructor dropped her off at St. Mary's hospital in Manhattan, where her parent's had been admitted after the car wreck.
Her father wad said to be in critical condition, while her mother suffered internal injuries but still remained visibly awake.
Chloe broke down in tears as she embraced her mother. Her mother also sobbed as she tried to hold herself together.
She did not want to upset Chloe even more because the worst experience that could happen was in the making.
Chloe's mother insisted she and her husband would be okay. She urged Chloe to perform her recital that evening.
Before Chloe left with Miss Sherry, she gave her a vintage turquoise ring. It was Chloe's birthday present.
She told Chloe that no matter how scared she was in life, the ring would protect her and bring her unsurmountable courage.
That night, Chloe danced her heart out and left every fear and worry on the stage.
She received a standing ovation from her peers and teacher.
She was reminded of her mother and father's love.
Both of Chloe's parents passed that night, but her turquoise ring reminded her of how far she has come and all of the joys that she is going to experience.
Chloe realized it wasn't the ring that brought her the strength she needed, rather the meaning she associated with the ring.
She knew regardless, her parent's had instilled in her values, morals, and hope in her life.
Chloe will used her fond memories to guide her through Juilliard and the rest of her life.
Author's Note: For this particular story, I wanted to focus on a certain aspect of the original. In the Mahabharata, Ashwatthaman is Drona's son and he is born with a supernatural amulet in his forehead that has provided him with the utmost of protection. He has never been hungry, thirsty, poisoned, attacked, etc. He has been able to live his life the way he desires without fear of any consequences or trials. I shied away from focusing on the part where his amulet gets taken by Arjuna and where he seeks revenge on the Pandavas for slaying his father Drona. I just really thought the sacred amulet seems interesting and very unique. So, I created a story that centered around initial pain and struggle being combatted by this special ring. Chloe is an orphan and has to navigate through life without her biggest supporters, but she uses the turquoise ring she received at her lowest moment in life, to strengthen and encourage her. It serves as a form unwavering protection for her throughout her life as she grows up. Although the background for my composed story is more modern, I still wanted it to relate to the fact that her ring holds so much sentimental meaning to her. With her ring, Chloe feels like her parents are always with her. The lesson is that we all have some way we choose to acquire greater meaning and purpose in life. We are only limited by our fears and struggles if we allow them to define us. While the ring physically was comforting for her, her memories are what triumphed her feelings of being overwhelmed and unworthy.
Bibliography: Ashwatthaman's Jewel
Hey Lillian! I really enjoyed reading your story post, Chloe’s Turquoise Ring. You had a very descriptive style of writing that made each part of the story easy to visualize, for the reader. Your site is really pretty, and I loved the color scheme you chose. One suggestion I have would be to include your title at the top of the story.
ReplyDeleteHey Lillian, I really enjoy the aesthetic of your page, I like when everything is organized and pretty! Your story was very interesting and provided a lot of imagery which I love because it makes it more interesting for me as the reader to be able to sort of see what it going on! Overall, I really enjoyed it, great work!
ReplyDeleteLillian, I like the modern retelling of Ashwatthaman as a girl in New York. So sad that she lost the last memento her parents had given her before they died. I'm glad she was able to realize that it wasn't the ring itself that brought her comfort, but the feeling behind the ring. In the end, she was able to overcome the loss of losing the ring (guess she never did find it?) by the fond memories she had of her parents. Great ending.